September 2020

Inclusion remains illusive for many because it is appears daunting to target something as big and nebulous as workplace 'culture'. However is is well recognised that DIVERSITY WITHOUT A CULTURE OF INCLUSION IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. Diversity efforts will bring in a wide variety of people from divers identity groups, however if the day to day workplace experience is not a positive one, then an organisation's diverse talent will soon get the message this is not a place where they can experience genuine belonging and where they can thrive. Productivity can slump markedly when individuals are working hard on just trying to 'fit in'.

Productivity suffers because teamwork suffers and retention drops.. Yet few link this to low levels of respect.

Continue reading below.

We market a range of tools and interventions which can support your existing programs and workplace initiatives and processes. These include:

A. Inclusive Leader Self Assessment - a great way to measure whether the mindsets and operating approaches of your leaders are maximising the ways they can lead 'inclusively'.

B. Poster & Pledge - Ways to engage the whole workforce to create new, inclusive behaviours (or habits as we like to call them) inspired by memorable quotes, powerful imagery and an important behaviour which collectively can make a real difference 'at scale'. (see Services Tab for more information)

C. Support tools to help individuals make serious their commitment to a new behaviour over a 21 - 30 day challenge period. Using nudge theory and using text or email, employees can tract their daily progress on this new behaviour, journalise their journey and have a support buddy in their corner to offer encouragement. Organisational reporting can track the collective improvement and track results. Using data to inform insights and impact!

Contact us today for a complimentary demonstration of some of these tools

#diversity #diversityandinclusion #behaviour #respect #bystanderaction